Olympic lifts are fun!

Tuesday  April 30,2013 5 rounds of 1 snatch and 3 OHS work up to as heavy as possible or if still working on form than stick with manageable weight.

"but i can't OHS!"- start by going as low as you can with perfect form.

WOD Demo with Rory McKernan - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]

"Joint Mobility" with Kelly StarrettCrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov]


Max wall balls in  2 minutes. Immediately do as many pull-ups/or pushups as possible in 2 minutes. Rest 1 minutes.

Max wall balls in  2 minutes. Immediately do as many pull-ups/or pushups as possible in 2 minutes. Rest 1 minutes.

Max wall balls in  2 minutes. Immediately do as many pull-ups/pushups as possible in 2 minutes. Rest 1 minutes.

run 800


score is time on 800 and total reps of wallballs and pullups/pushups