Way to go CFL!

monday march 30,2015


30 min time cap


2 rounds for time of:
34 push-ups
100m sprint
34 deadlifts, 135 lb.
100 m sprint
34 box jumps, 24-inch box
100 m sprint
34 clean and jerks, 95 lb.
100 m sprint
34 burpees
100 m sprint
34 wall-ball shots, 20-lb. ball
100 m sprint
34 pull-ups
100 m sprint


WOW! what a great OPEN season this year. 5 weeks is a long time. as you can see those that continue on to regionals and then the CrossFit games ,it take a lot of focus and hard work to reach those events. We should celebrate not only the great feats that we have obtained but also those that will continue on. When you see these athletes in these future events you will know and understand what it feels like because you have experienced some of the torture in the open.

Keep good perspective. This is a journey of growth. Did you do your best? awesome. Did you do something that you had never done before? Did you do better in a workout than last year? Did you do the open for the first time? All of these should be celebrated. 

Keep moving forward. I always like to use the open to help direct me on what i should work on for this next year. HSPU? DOUBLE UNDERS? MUSCLE UPS? Intensity? Strength? Endurance? Nutrition? Olympic lifting? We can always get better. Take a few minutes before or after class to work on these skills to help you achieve these goals.

Great job CFL! way to represent!

Do you know anyone that needs a life change? Invite them.