in the spirit of the games, paleo challenge

Monday July 29,2013

Warmup: work up to heavy squat clean for workout


2013 CrossFit Games Regional Event 7

Four rounds for time of:
15 foot Rope climb, 2 ascents ( 10 pullups = 1 rope climb)
100 foot Sprint
225 pound Squat clean, 4 reps ( should be heavy, not max)
100 foot Sprint


Paleo challenge: 

One month Paleo Challenge (August)

Printed paleo guides will be available for pickup at the gym.


1.$10 buy in

2.Week one strict Paleo (no dairy)

3.After week one going Primal is okay as long as you tolerate dairy.

     Note: Some Paleo and Primal sources say raw milk is the way to go we say organic whole milk and organic whole fat dairy products are just fine.

4.Alcohol is allowed but only wine and organic ciders but you will get positive points each week for no alcohol.

5.  Must have PreChallenge WOD - FRAN, GRACE, ISABEL, DIANE
6. Must have PostChallenge WOD- SAME

7. After week 2, there will be a daily challenges that must be completed to continue in competition. 


1 point for each day of Paleo, or primal after week one (31 total)

1  point each week of No alcohol. A week ends each Saturday (5 total)

1 Point for each day of working out and doing goat work for 5 minutes. (Points for this begin August 4th, 20 total)

Minus 5 points for working out more than 5 times in one week (our bodies do need rest and recovery)

56 points total

We will be on the honor system but please help keep each other accountable. Share recipes and things you have leaned along the way.

      For instance I recommend buying Practical Paleo and following one of her meal plans. She makes it easy and she gives you shopping lists. She even has suggestions on what to do when eating out.

The winner gets the $ pot and gets to feel good about themselves! and maybe something else as a prize. you will have to wait and see.