friday 4-12-24

festivus 4/20/24 WE NEED YOUR HELP 😃- if you are in town and can spend some time that day to help judge or help move weights that would be awesome! scan the QR code in the gym.

NEW INCENTIVE: bring in a friend and when they sign up you get 1/2 off the next month.

YELP- please submit a yelp review 😊

MEMORIAL DAY MURPH- plan on being there for a great fun morning event.


3 rounds

250 m row

1 min shoulder stretch on bands

10 lunge with pvc pass through

5 strict pull-ups

wod: for time (17 min time cap)

21-15-9 hang snatch 95/65

400 m run after each set

rest 2 min



back squat 95/65

extra: see white board

thursday 4-11-24

festivus 4/20/24 WE NEED YOUR HELP 😃- if you are in town and can spend some time that day to help judge or help move weights that would be awesome! scan the QR code in the gym.

NEW INCENTIVE: bring in a friend and when they sign up you get 1/2 off the next month.

YELP- please submit a yelp review 😊

MEMORIAL DAY MURPH- plan on being there for a great fun morning event.

warm up:

3 rounds:

10 straight leg deadlifts w kb

10 light bar bench

10 light db thruster

  • increase weight each round

wod: emomx30

1 min: cal row

1 min: bench @ 135/95

1 min: db thruster 50/35

score: total reps

extra: stretch

Wednesday 4-10-24


festivus 4/20/24 WE NEED YOUR HELP 😃- if you are in town and can spend some time that day to help judge or help move weights that would be awesome! scan the QR code in the gym.

NEW INCENTIVE: bring in a friend and when they sign up you get 1/2 off the next month.

YELP- please submit a yelp review 😊

MEMORIAL DAY MURPH- plan on being there for a great fun morning event.

Warm up :

3 rounds

200 m run

10 kb deadlift

10 knees up

5 burpee box jump

Wod: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1

Toes to bar

Pledge push-up

Kb swing

Box jump 30/24

Extra work: EMOMx10

Strength: 1 deadlift, 1 hang clean, 1 front squat, 1 s2oh

Conditioning: 100 m sprint, 5-10 kb swings

Gymnastics: 6 pistols, 3-5 strict pull-ups

tuesday 4-9-24


festivus 4/20/24 WE NEED YOUR HELP 😃- if you are in town and can spend some time that day to help judge or help move weights that would be awesome! scan the QR code in the gym.

NEW INCENTIVE: bring in a friend and when they sign up you get 1/2 off the next month.

YELP- please submit a yelp review 😊

MEMORIAL DAY MURPH- plan on being there for a great fun morning event.

warm up:

3 rounds

60 singles

8 medball cleans

10 kips

10 hollow rocks

workout: 4 rounds for time

400 m run

10 squat cleans 155/105

extra work: see whiteboard

monday 4-8-24


festivus 4/20/24 WE NEED YOUR HELP 😃- if you are in town and can spend some time that day to help judge or help move weights that would be awesome! scan the QR code in the gym.

NEW INCENTIVE: bring in a friend and when they sign up you get 1/2 off the next month.

YELP- please submit a yelp review 😊

MEMORIAL DAY MURPH- plan on being there for a great fun morning event.

warm up :

500 m row

3 rounds

10 sit-ups

10 ground to over head

10 mountain climbers


7 min amrap

10 modified ghd(on ball)

20 db snatch

rest 3 minutes

7 min amrap

10 burpee over db

20 double under


strength: 3x 10 front squat @ 70%

conditioning: 3 rounds - 200 m sprint 10 devil press 35/25 rest 2 minutes

gymnastics : 3 rounds - 10 unbroken toes to bar, 1 leg less rope climb