Thursday. Open gym 9-12


EMOM for 30 Minutes, alternating minutes

1: 6 Dead lifts at 65-70% of max

2: 5-10 Ring dips or HSPU, choose whichever is more challenging for you or alternate movements every round

3: 10 Box jumps 30/24


Lift: start of Wendler for snatch

Warm up (take 8 minutes)

5 reps @ 40%

5 reps @ 50%

Emom for 5 Minutes

4 reps @ 65%

Emom for 5 Minutes

3 reps @ 70%

Emom for 5 Minutes

2 reps @ 75%

Emom for 5 Minutes

1 rep @ 80%


10 Minute Amrap

5 Toes to bar

8 Burpees

Tuesday. Wendler start

Week 1 of Wendler for push press and snatch


take 25 Minutes

5 reps at 40% Push press

5 @ 50%

5 @ 75%

5 @ 80%

5 @ 85% (plus 15 reps, drop weight slightly if needed to get those extra reps, but should still be heavy)


4 rounds of

20 Push ups

20 Pull ups

25 Back squats 135/95

Monday. Veterans Day. Classes at 6,8,9 only

Veterans Day. Classes at 6,8,9 but gym will be open in the afternoon if you want to come in



6 rounds for time of:
60 double-unders
30 kettlebell swings
15 burpees

Men: 1.5-pood kettlebell
Women: 1-pood kettlebell

Scroll for scaling options.
Post time to comments.

Boston firefighter Michael Kennedy, 33, of Boston, Massachusetts, died fighting a nine-alarm fire on March 26, 2014. Kennedy served with the Boston Fire Department for six and a half years and was a Marine Corps sergeant who served a tour in Iraq before that.

He had a big presence in his local CrossFit community, coaching and training at several affiliates, including CrossFit Craic, CrossFit Florian, CrossFit Together and CrossFit HomeBase.

He is survived by his girlfriend, Sarah Wessman, and many other beloved friends and family members.



800 m run

Rest 2 minutes  

10 rounds

9 deadlift 155/105

6 hang clean 155/105

3 shoulder to oh 155/105

rest 2 min

800 m run