
Dec 27,2017

20 mins to complete 

lift: 5-5-5-5-5 hang power or hang squat snatch

- start lighter working on form and increase to moderate/heavy load while maintaining perfect form  


5 rounds for time : 

10 deadlift 225/155

20 wallballs 20/14




dec 26,2017



35 min time cap 

5 rounds for time of:
11 power cleans 155/105
7 strict burpee pull-ups
400-meter run

perform a strict push-up for the Burpee  



Christmas Day

Hey CFL. if you find yourself needing to exit the house and move that body a little bit here’s a nice wod to come and get your sweat on.  


20 min emom : 

10 wallballs 20/14

5 Burpees  


if you find you can’t hold that pace then start decreasing the wallballs by 1.  


Friday! Normal class times

12 Days of Christmas Wod. To be performed like the song. 

40 Minute time cap. Please be on time to warm up and get set up on time. 

Day 1: 1 Clean and jerk 155/105

Day 2: 2 Front squats 155/105

Day 3: 3 Muscle ups

Day 4: 4 Pistols

Day 5: 5 Toes to bar

Day 6: 6 Thrusters 155/105

Day 7: 7 Burpees over bar

Day 8: 8 Deadlifts 155/105

Day 9: 9 Handstand Push ups

Day 10: 10 Box jumps 30/24

Day 11: 11 Hang power cleans 155/105

Day 12: 12 Weighted Pull ups (35/15 k.b.) 

This is a tough Wod! Modify where needed and enjoy!!!

Thursday. Open gym 9-12. Reminder 12 days of Christmas Wod on Friday


10 down to 1 descending ladder of

Overhead lunges (45/25, each step is a rep)

Push ups

sit ups

Pull ups

Try to work on perfect reps, the biggest set is 10 reps. So try to work on efficiency and perfecting each movement. 

Friday is 12 days of Christmas Wod! Come rested and ready to work for a good kick start to the holiday season!!!