Monday- nutrition on point!

Monday April 3,2017

strength: 5 mins find heavy 1 rep strict press

transition 3 mins

5 mins find heavy 1 rep front squat  

transition 3 mins  

5 mins find heavy 10 rep deadlift

before starting , plan out how you will attempt and approach



10 min amrap: 

10 strict pull-ups  

10 strict hspu / 5 strict press 95/65

10 box jumps 30/24 ( no splinters)


post wod abs: 100 med ball sit-ups  


Hey CFL crew! You know Sensei Dave is going to be bringing back beach body abs and what does that mean?? Best get our nutrition on point combined with all that fitness so we can unveil those hard earned muscles. We will be starting our next nutrition group again next Monday 4/3. Summer is just around the corner. It’s time to get your nutrition on-point so that you can perform better, feel better, and be the best version of you! Misty is excited to bring you the same arsenal of nutrition tools and habits so you can take charge of your health. Healthy bodies lead to healthy minds!

What will this group entail? A personalized macronutrient plan that is tailored to your individual goals. This flexible eating plan is different for each person and will tweak and change alongside you as you respond to the program. Each week you will provide feedback on various measures via email. Based on that feedback, Misty will adjust your macros as needed to help you reach your goals.

Details will be posted on whiteboard or please connect with Misty for more info.


Misty Smith
