Memorial Day

Monday may 25 2015

We remember and reflect on those lost in war and those that serve and have served our country. Today is not about getting the best time. It is about giving great effort.

There will be only two classes at 8 and 9.

Today's wod options are :
1mile run
100 pull-ups
200 push-ups
300 squats
1 mile run
Rx is all in order to be on leaderboard.

For time:
Run 2 miles
Rest 2 minutes
135 pound Squat clean, 20 reps
20 Box jump, 24" box
20 Walking lunge steps with 45lb plate held overhead
20 Box jump, 24" box
135 pound Squat clean, 20 reps
Rest 2 minutes
Run 2 miles

30 rounds
5 wallballs
3 hspu
1 clean 225/155

Enjoy and have a great time.