44 training days. The time is now.

Wednesday November 12

strength/ skill: every minute for 12 minutes:

2 strict handstand push-ups  

1 bar muscle up or ring muscle up  

or any other movements you are not good at  


21-15-9 reps of:
95 pound Sumo deadlift high-pull
95 pound Overhead squat


dont wait for 2015 to start your goals. The time is now.

i am wanting to grow substantially in 2015 and I need your help. If you have anyone that has been thinking about joining let's get them in now so we have some great momentum going into 2015.

If any of you would like to join- I am doing a 20 squat program. 3 x week 20 rep squat. Start 50% of max. Every week add 5 lbs. write name on board. 


12 wods of Christmas - scaled or rx. 2 guys 2 girls. Get a team together. Should be fun.